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IXON Cloud reached 99,87% uptime in 2024!
1 min. read
Shelly Boom
We are proud to report that the uptime for IXON Cloud in 2024 has reached 99.87%. This result reflects our commitment to strict security and performance goals for our IoT infrastructure.
Our uptime is measured based on full availability. This means that all functionalities must be accessible to all users. Even the smallest disruption is considered (partial) downtime.
IXON Cloud's high uptime and good performance are due to the modern infrastructure in which we have invested heavily over the past few years. A high degree of redundancy ensures that if one system experiences a problem, another system will automatically take over without users noticing.
Our internal DevOps and Security teams are committed every day to ensuring a reliable and secure infrastructure. This dedication makes us a strong partner for the largest machine builders in the world.
IXON Cloud offers comprehensive functionalities distributed across a large number of microservices spread across 250 servers and 17 data centers.
Our goals and processes are defined in our Information Security Management System (ISMS). In addition to uptime, we strive to have no security incidents and no data loss. These goals were also fully achieved in 2024.
With these results, we continue to build for a future where reliability, security and performance are key.
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