Easily get permission for remote access from your customer


Factories value the possibility of fast and effective service from machine builders via remote access. Yet this poses security risks. Continuous third-party access to machines can cause a plant to fail to meet strict security guidelines, such as NIS2. 

That's why IXON is introducing the new Request Access feature: a solution that allows machine builders to put control of access to their machines with the factory.

Why is the Request Access feature important?

Security and compliance are high on the agenda at factories. When a machine builder has access to machines at all times and without supervision, risks arise, such as:

  • No NIS2 compliance: Continuous access by third parties can lead to violations of this European directive for network and information systems.
  • Unknown login attempts: Factory employees are often unaware of when a supplier connects to machines.
  • Data security: Open access increases the risk of unintentional data breaches or unauthorized actions.

To minimize these risks as well as ensure smooth cooperation between machine builders and their customers, IXON has developed the Request Access feature.

How does the Request Access feature work?

With this new feature, factories always have control over who has access to their machines and when. The workflow is simple:

  • Access requests: When a machine builder wants remote access, they submit an access request to the customer, the factory, via IXON Cloud.
  • Request access featureFactory approval: The customer receives an e-mail with the request. With one click, he can approve or reject this request.
  • Log: The customer can create an account in the machine builder's customer portal in IXON Cloud. Here he can get insight into all remote sessions and activities.

Thanks to this process, customers always have visibility into remote access and can trust that machine builders connect only when necessary.

A secure collaboration

With the introduction of “Request Access,” IXON demonstrates that security and collaboration go together perfectly. Factories stay in control, while machine builders can easily continue to provide tailored service.

Want to learn more about this feature or how IXON can support you in increasing security and compliance within your IoT environment?